It’s been 8 months since we disbanded Assist UK and we continue to receive enquiries through emails. I have kept this channel open mainly to ensure all loose ends were tidied up. We have set up our new offices now in Manchester and are providing similar services. You can find out what we offer on our exciting new website at We are waiting for the new government’s implementation of austerity cuts and the effects on disabled people, their families and carers. I fear many vulnerable people will be at risk. Can the voluntary sector cope? I doubt it they are already at full stretch with many failing through lack of finance. Hopefully the process will bring attention to individual’s plights and the government will have a rethink .
I am continuing to refine Trusted Assessor training working closely with OCN but we are developing new courses for taxi drivers, reception staff and PA’s. There is a massive need to improve customer’s satisfaction in those areas. I am anxious to provide accessible training which reduces time away from participant’s employment. I have been working with Steve Evanson and a procurement company to secure contracts for work in Abu Dhabi – I think there is a high need for training and Assistive Technology awareness as the people become more westernised and a greater expectation of services. I have been busy judging a competition run by Nesta for an Inclusive Tech Prize and had the opportunity to meet the new Minister for Disabled People Justin Tomlinson. He is obviously a ‘gadget’ man as he was well tuned into Assistive Technology and all the exciting entries. See link for more information
On the 2nd June I was asked by my colleagues at D4D to support ‘A My Dignity Means’ day it was well attended by manufacturers, Health Care Professionals and disabled people, their families and carers. There was interesting presentations and some disabled people told their story of the challenges they faced. The workshop facilitated meaningful debates with some interesting conclusions, more details will be available on their website by late autumn 2015.
One of the few government initiatives that really worked for DWP closed its doors on 30th June 2015. The independent Living Fund. I understand funding for one year will be passed over to local councils but not ring fenced. I am sure with the financial pressures Local Authorities are facing there will be a temptation to enforce tight controls and criteria. Myself and my wife have just been subject to this somewhat clinical procedure. Not many things are allowed ie disability related expenditure, you are not even allowed cleaning. Our contribution has now doubled swallowing up all our pensions. Why did we take Margaret Thatchers advice and provide for our future. I have spoken to many of our friends all are experiencing the same discriminatory process. All this and announcement today of another £5.7bn bigger cuts. Society is judged on how it treats it’s most vulnerable. I am thinking of moving to Wales see this press release We live in a divided country with indifferent services dictated by councils with little knowledge of the concept of independent living or the benefits of assistive technology.
There is constant debate regarding the regulation of equipment, one product which I would like to comment on is pressure cushions. These products are freely available on the high street yet need special knowledge and skills during assessment. The Roho air pressure cushion needs a measurement from the patients coccyx to the cushions base which entails placing the hands under the patient. I personally use a gel cushion as I need a firm base for stability, included is a piece of wedge shaped foam to help me sit correctly and keep me straight as I have a twisted spine. Even the covering of these cushions needs to be of a special material to allow it to stretch and for the skin to breath.
Some cushions are filled with teabag shaped foam others memory foam and polystyrene, the wrong choice can have serious consequences. They are very technical products but little information is available only by or use them under expect supervision.